Fixing Electrical Equipments with Friends?
You’ll be testing your circuits one at a time. It’s just a matter of flipping a breaker or removing a fuse, observing what goes out, and writing it down. This means every light will have to be turned on, and every receptacle will need something plugged into it. This is where the lights and radios come in. It’s important that you know where every receptacle and odd light is located and that you account for all of them. As previously mentioned, this job is easier to do if you can fill up your house with some friends. As you turn the power off one circuit at a time, they can yell out what went off, and you can write it down in your notebook. This can be a fun project in a big house with people running and shouting as lights go off all over the place. Carefully write down everything as specifically as possible and redo the list later on your computer. Print a list to attach to your service panel or fuse box, and maintain the file on a disk to record new circuits as they are added or old ones as they are changed.
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